Unbranded Uniview Software and Apps

Unbranded Uniview Software and Apps

Most of our Uniview products are available either with or without the Uniview brand. If you purchase an unbranded Uniview camera or recorder, we’re able to stamp your own custom logo on the camera in its place. You may have already known this. But did you know that our unbranded Uniview products come with different software than our branded Uniview products?

If you’ve used any of our Uniview equipment, you’re likely familiar with the various pieces of software available for PC and mobile devices: EZTools, EZStation, EZPlayer, and EZView. But all of these programs and apps have an unbranded counterpart which you’ll need to use with our unbranded cameras.

In this post, we’ll briefly walk you through each piece of software.

Computer Programs

Let’s start with the three computer programs that are available: Guard Tool, Guard Station, and Guard Player.

Guard Tool

Guard Tool

Guard Tool is the unbranded version of EZTools, the configuration tool for Uniview. There’s quite a bit you can do from this program. You can manage IP address, batch configure multiple products, upgrade firmware, calculate required disk space, adjust settings, change passwords, and much more.

Guard Station

Guard Station

Guard Station, the unbranded version of EZStation, is the PC client viewer for Uniview cameras and recorders. View live feeds, manage settings, watch playback, and more. Since this is a multi-viewer application, you can view and manage several devices at once.

Guard Player

Guard Player

Guard Player is the unbranded version of EZPlayer. This is a simple media player for viewing local and exported recordings from your cameras and recorders.

Mobile App: Guard Viewer

When it comes to mobile applications, Guard Viewer is the unbranded version of EZView. This application lets you manage and view live feeds and recorders from many devices at once. You can also receive push notifications for certain events.

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You can access your camera and recorder feeds locally through your network or through a P2P cloud account. For the branded products, this is done through the EZCloud server; for the unbranded products, however, you'll need to use the Star4Live server, which can access here.


Uniview’s intuitive, attractive, and powerful software allows users to view, manage, and interact with their video surveillance products in unique ways. And when you buy our unbranded Uniview products, that doesn’t have to change! You can offer your customers and clients the full range of benefits of Uniview under your very own brand.

To learn more about how you can brand your cameras with your own custom logo, click this link to learn about our free branding program.

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