What is the 2GIG eSeries?
2GIG has always produced top-of-the-line alarm panels, trusted by security system users everywhere. They’ve long been at the forefront of innovation and technology, and their new eSeries line of panels and accessories is no exception to that rule.
Introducing the all new Go Control alarm panels: the GC2e and the GC3e. They look similar enough to their predecessors (the GC2 and the GC3 respecitively), but they have been updated and enhanced in just about every way imaginable.

If you install 2GIG alarm panels, it's probably because of these three reasons: their top-notch security technologies, their useful smart-home integration features, and their overall incredible user experience. All of that was true of the 2GIG GC2 and GC3, but with the eSeries, each of these areas get a huge improvement.
Today we're going to take a closer look at both panels and ask the question: is it worth upgrading to the new eSeries alarm panels?
Enhanced Security Technology
This is the bread and butter of the alarm panel industry. It doesn’t matter how many bells and whistles it has, people order alarm panels for security, first and foremost.
So let’s take a look at the original 2GIG GoControl alarm panels. They're pretty straightforward. You put sensors on a door. You arm the alarm system. If the door sensors are activated while the system is armed, an alarm goes off. That's pretty much all there is to it.
At the time when the GC2 and GC3 were released, this was really the only level of security that most people needed. However, we are living in a day and age when cyber attacks are growing more and more prevalent. Our alarm systems need more than physical protection.
The threat of cybersecurity is real. With every sensor you add to your alarm panel, that risk increases. And if you’re selling smart home features to integrate with your alarm panels (if you're not, click here to read why you should be), then that risk increases even more.

Your customers have chosen you as their alarm dealer because they believe that your products can protect them, their properties, and their families. This is the biggest reason why you need to stop whatever you’re doing right now and get your hands on these new 2GIG e-Series alarm panels. Unlike the GC2 and GC3, e-Series alarm panels support encrypted sensors. Here’s how it works.
When an unencrypted wireless sensor is tripped, it sends a proprietary wireless signal to the alarm panel saying “Hey, the door is opened! Sound the alarm and notify the central station!” And the alarm panel responds by sounding the alarm and notifying the central station.
The problem with this is, just about anyone with the technical know-how can gain access to this system. They can hack into it and start sending all kinds of messages to the alarm system, such as “Hey, the door is closed! All is well!” or “Hey, someone’s pressing a key fob button! Disarm the alarm!”
But if we replace that sensor with an encrypted sensor, here’s what happens (without getting too technical):
When an encrypted wireless sensor is tripped, it sends some information to the alarm panel. The alarm panel sends some information back. They go back and forth until they agree on an encrypted code through which they can communicate. After their digital handshake is complete, the sensor tells the panel, in their secret language, “Hey, the door is opened! Sound the alarm and notify the central station!” The alarm panel, knowing that the sensor really is who the sensor claims to be, sounds the alarm and notifies the central station.
This added layer of protection prevents hackers from being able to access 2GIG sensors and other smart home integrated items.
These encrypted sensors also protect your business from you’re competitors performing "takeovers." Since these sensors are encrypted, and thus communicate with the alarm panel in their own proprietary secret code, nobody else can repurpose these sensors to use on their own alarm panels.
More advanced security technology means more protection for your business and your customers.
Enhanced Smart-Home Integration
Security is important, but we also know these alarm panels offer more than security. The 2GIG GC2 and GC3 brought whole new opportunities into your customers homes with Z-Wave technologies. Automatically control lights, garage doors, door locks, and more, all with the push of a button on your alarm panel or through your phone, with services like alarm.com. It was a huge development for the security industry.
But here we are, in the year 2019. Everyone and their dog has home automation set up through Alexa or Google Home. So why do they need to purchase your alarm panels?
For a little context, smart-home products use what’s called the z-wave protocol, which was first invented in 1999. Two whole decades ago. For technology, 20 years is a long, long time.
2GIG GoControl panels used this 20 year old technology in all of their home automation features, which was fine at the time when they were first released.
But a few years ago, Z-Wave Plus was released. This is a new-and-improved protocol, allowing home-automation products to have more battery power, higher functionality, longer range, and many more benefits over the original Z-Wave protocol. It’s been about 5 years since that technology was released, so there are now more Z-Wave Plus products on the market than there are products using the original Z-Wave protocol. Even though the older 2GIG alarm panels are outdated, you can still use these products with the GC2 and GC3. However, if you want to tap into the full benefits of the improved Z-Wave Plus protocol, you'll need to upgrade to an eSeries panel.

If you want your customers to take you seriously as a dealer of smart-home systems, and not just security systems, then you need the GC2e.
Enhanced User Experience
Encrypted sensors and Z-Wave Plus are the two biggest improvements to the GoControl alarm panels. As such, lack of encryption and outdated z-wave technology are the two biggest reasons that the GC2 and GC3 needed an upgrade. However, 2GIG gave the models an update in several other smaller areas as well, giving the whole panels a fresh and up-to-date overall user experience.
The 2GIG GC2e
Compare the GC2 and the GC2e below. You can see that the packaging is much more neat and compact. The panel just looks so much nicer. It's sleeker and more modern-looking.
It’s got the same easy-to-use touch screen interface, although it's a bit bigger (about 4.25" as opposed to the GC2's 3.75"). It's also much nicer and easier to use, since it's capacitive touch instead of resistive touch. This means it simply recognizes the touch of your skin, instead of the pressure of your finger.

The 2GIG GC3e
Compare the GC3 and the GC3e below. There aren't as many noticeable changes with this model. But you can see that the alarm panel is still more attractive and more modern. While the screen is the same size, it is slightly more compact.

The most immediately noticeable change with the GC3e is the front-facing speakers. This was a really nice design update, and it allows you to much more clearly hear the audible feedback anytime a door is opened, a button is pressed, or an alarm is tripped.
The Same Great Features You love
But aside from these changes, everything you loved about the old GC2 and GC3 are still included in these updated models.
They do work with all the old sensors, so it’s instantly compatible with any current 2GIG GoControl system. Just keep in mind that in order to take advantage of the new encrypted sensors, you’ll need to upgrade to the newer sensors as well. However, since it's compatible, this can be done over time instead of all at once.
Another thing to keep in mind is that you can still use the same great remote touch screen secondary panels.
Just like the previous version, the 2GIG GC2e and GC3e are much more than alarm systems. They are home controllers. Using the Alarm.com integration, See weather and get weather warnings, control your alarm directly through the panel or remotely through your cell phone, turn on and off lights, open and shut your garage door, lock and unlock your doors, and so much more.
Final Verdict: Should You Upgrade to the eSeries Alarm Panel?
So, now that you know everything you need to know about the new 2GIG eSeries GoControl alarm panels, the question remains. Should you upgrade from the GC2 to the GC2e and from the GC3 to the GC3e?
I think the answer is a resounding YES. You really should upgrade to these new alarm panels.
The eSeries brings 2GIG alarm panels up to date in so many ways. It's so much more than just a cosmetic makeover. The original 2GIG GoControl alarm panels were in dire need of an update. These new panels provide more security for your customers, they bring better smart-home features to the table, and they boast an all-around better design.
So now that you know why you should upgrade to the 2GIG eSeries alarm panels, here's why you should get them from Nelly's Security.

Our super simple ordering process, our excellent customer service, our hassle-free warranty, and our 100% free dealer program all contribute to making Nelly's Security the nation's foremost 2GIG supplier.
As a Nelly's Dealer, not only will you get special dealer pricing, but you'll also have access to our branding program. We will stamp your company's logo onto your 2GIG panels 100% free of charge.
Click below to check out our dealer program and sign up today using the simple online form.
Your customers are trusting you to provide them with safe, secure, and up-to-date technology. Don't wait another second. Purchase your 2GIG eSeries panels and accessories today.