Do you like to stay comfortable and cozy at home? Do you find yourself continually changing the temperature in your house to stay comfortable? Worry no more! With the new line of Radio Thermostats by Nelly’s Security you can control personal schedules and automatic A/C or Heater temperatures at the tap of a button. But wait, not only can you do that at home, but from anywhere in the world!
Check out the video below to learn more.
The Radio Thermostat comes with a toolbox of data to keep you up-to-date. Run-time Reports give you the minute-by-minute data about your heating and air conditioning system. Temperature alerts notify you if the temperature gets too cold or too warm.
With innovative features the software knows when you are away from home and automatically turns down the temperature. Then on your way home, when you get within a user-specified range it turns the temperature back up so the house is comfortable when you arrive.
Sleek 7-day programmable thermostat with touchscreen controls. The thermostat even comes with on-board filter replacement and compressor protection notifications to keep your system running safely and efficiently. These thermostats work with nearly any HVAC system, including traditional furnaces and heat pumps.

Here at Nelly's Security, we have a variety of models to fit your everyday needs. Below are the links to the models we carry:
The Wi-Fi models are very simple to understand and set up. If you have Wi-Fi at home then you can use this type of thermostat.
Please Note:
Be sure to turn off the breaker for your HVAC system before attempting to wire anything related to this thermostat.
Also Note:
The Wi-Fi Thermostats require constant power to make the Wi-Fi aspect work. You are required to have a common wire plugged into this thermostat or a 24V power supply wired separately.
Installation is a breeze for these thermostats. The first thing you always want to do is turn of your breaker in your house to insure no harm can be done to your HVAC system. After you have verified that the power has been tuned off then you are okay to remove your old thermostat and expose the wires you are using.
Please note:
Be sure to use the label sheet provided with your new Radio Thermostat to label where each wire was connected.
Once you have the old thermostat removed and the new Radio Thermostat mounted, it is time to rewire the new thermostat. Connect all of the wires to the appropriate spot on the motherboard of the new thermostat.
Please note:
The Wi-Fi function REQUIRES a "C Wire," otherwise known as a common wire, from you HVAC system. You can also use a 24VAC power supply to operate the Wi-Fi function.

Once the thermostat has all of the wires connected back to the new Radio Thermostat you are ready to turn the breaker back on to make sure operation is 100% fully functional. From here, you will follow the phone app for the remainder of the Wi-Fi setup.
Setting Up The Thermostat With the App

* Disclaimer: Many different HVAC systems exist, Please consult a professional if you are unsure about any part of the installation process.